Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This is not a poem about a man from nantuckett

there was a young woman from Kansas
she could tap dance

she was an 8-year-old beauty-queen

New York
made her invisible
she took off her clothes

there was an old woman from Brooklyn
she baked nostalgia
she was folded and flapped and wrinkled
she wanted a dance partner
she fell asleep watching Jeopardy

there once was a woman from Boston
she was 35 and terrified
she met a man with a home in the Hamptons
she didn’t like him
she married him

There was a young girl from New Hampshire
She got drunk for the first time
She stayed out too late
She showed too much leg
She was asking for it

there once was a wife from Miami
she was told she “looked good for her age”
she was 6% plastic
she was 1% Botox
she was having her third facelift while her husband fucked the babysitter

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